Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's been too long! As I'm sitting here, thinking of the quite time in my home and how it all starts. Once the sign that reads..."please knock children sleeping", is hung children are in... "rest mode". This gives me some time for possibly lunch, book work, bill paying, reading, sewing, cleaning, computer work, furniture rearranging, organizing, friend tag-ins, social network, blogging and the list can go on. I have done little bit of everything in this time of "rest mode" @r Gonzales family childcare. I'm very blessed to be able to work from home. God has given me the opportunity to be self employed as a childcare director since 2005. I've had the year of not getting paid for my services until budget was signed, basically went under for about a year BUT God kept us afloat. Having survived, here we are striving to do his will. I pour my all in everything I do. I just have a really deep issue, I do too much"/. I'm starting to realize for the sake of my sanity I need to focus! I need to do one thing at a time, and let all the other things and stuff become discombobulated rather then myself:). Sometimes I can't even finish a conversation I just started with someone because I go on to something else. Eeeek! Major issues I do have"). I'm going to work on my issues, with the help and grace of God:).
All in all I have finished up some Spindle31 work. I absolutely love Embroidery work! It's so beautiful! It reminds me of my grandmother. I'm truly going to slow it down a notch in my brain, and focus. I will be posting some bags I've personalized and worked on as of late. Also some youth blouses for DunaMISS<3. Please feel free leave feed back or just comment! Life is happening and God is always good through it")
nough' said time to put the "please knock children sleeping", sign away and feed my awesome little friends! Good day to you all!
p.s.please excuse all typos...this is me=) in the little time I have.
p.s.s.I take orders=)

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