Thursday, August 2, 2012

Life in Transition

Of course life is in transition. Just as the world is constantly turning so is life. It has it up and downs, happy's and frown's yet through it all we know we are here for a reason and God has already written our story's! "Keep Calm and PRAY", has yet to be hung up in our new home. Yes, I said new home. We had a slight transition back in June. My husband and I prayerfully decided to sell our home of 7 years come this August. Our home was our source of income, our refuge. It was home. We knew by selling we would lose our main income, being we worked out of it. We'd also have to start from ground zero.
During the process of the sale, we enrolled our daughters in public school. Being I was homeschooling, and having to do a short sale I'd rather have them out of the home during the time of showing the home. Thankfully they transitioned so well! They both got amazing report cards at the end of school year. Another upside was my husband was able to pick up more accounts with his Pest Services. If anyone needs pest service, I highly recommend him. He's a "no contract" service. He also will service you as needed! He truly is a hard worker and does what he can to get the job done all with a great attitude! I've never seen anything less of him. Yes! That was a sales pitch with realness and sincerity!! ;) Along with the great transition to public school, the picking up of accounts, doors began to open in another area. This area is our heart beat! We love being involved in the work of the Lord! To see God do for others what he's done for us is something we love to see! We started realizing once we decided to sell our home, and put our complete trust in God he began to assure us we are in his perfect will. We had no idea what was the next step, we just knew we were leaning on God! Nothing more or less!!! It's so comforting to know our God truly holds us in the palm of his hand. Even when we are doing it out of our own human will he still holds us. He never leaves us. To know he will give us the desires of our heart, is what kept us going. Trying to make things happen will happen. We did it for 7 years, thankfully God carried us through it! If you knew the payment we payed you'd think the same thing. It was a craze! That's how good he is! He will never leave us, even when "the sky is falling". He truly carried us through until we no longer could anymore. He stepped in and intervened on our behalf! We serve a faithful God!
It all happened so quick!!! We never got to put a sign up! We never got to tell our neighbors, never truly got to say goodbye. Our home of 7 years sold so quick! Gone just like that. Its all temporal, even if your buying! There's a bigger home waiting for us all!
Believing "God Knows" is what keeps us going. My children did well, with the move being they got to live at papa & grandmas for the day! We lived out of the biggest Uhaul for about 1 day. We were so thankful for all who came out and helped us load and unload our stuff. We couldn't have done it without the help. Especially with the rude realtor the buyers had. He watched like a hawk as we moved out. It was awful!!! So grateful that process is over!!!
There's always a end to a beginning, and the end is we were able to get into a new home! We are still on a corner lot, we are in a beautiful home, in a great neighborhood. I'm currently trying to get all my "T's" crossed and "I's" dotted to continue Childcare in my home. What a process it is! Blehhhh! I'm not complaining, just blehhhhing:) lol! My husband has been busy everyday with pest services! Doors have opened in his ministry. Knowing its all part of his plan we are so grateful to be in God's Hands. We know with out a doubt this transition of life has been a "God Thing"!!!
Hoping to get back to my sewing and embroidery sooner rather then later!
Written from my heart to yours, we're all in this LIFE together!